Category Archives: Humility/submissiveness

let us fear God with our hearts–not with our lips (John Taylor)

Let us fear God with our hearts—not with our lips, store up the truth in our minds, work righteousness, do good one to another, and do right to everybody: then your peace will flow as a river; then we can bow before the Lord our God, and ask his blessings upon us and our families; then there will be no wrangling in our bosoms, nor any bad or unpleasant feelings towards our fellow-creatures.

If it was right for us to commence on these principles, it is right for us to fear God in our hearts. Brethren and sisters, fear God in your lives and conduct; speak nothing but what you know to [be] true; keep a guard over your actions; keep the Spirit of God within you, and the Lord will be with you all the day long.

John Taylor


difference between the work of God and the work of men (Wilford Woodruff)

There is a marked difference between the work of God and the work of men or the work of the Devil, and that difference is manifest in the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is one characteristic connected with the work of God that has been manifested in its establishment in these last days, as in all former periods, and that is, that whenever the Lord has attempted to establish his Church and kingdom upon the earth, he always makes use of instruments whose peculiar circumstances in life will naturally lead them to acknowledge the hand of God in all that is manifested unto them. You have the example of all the Prophets from the days of Adam; and as far as we have any knowledge of them, they were nearly all men of low degree and of humble birth; and the Lord has ever given them his Spirit to enlighten their minds, and to qualify them for the work assigned them. Men of this character have stepped forth and obeyed the Lord in various ages of the world, and they have given him the credit for what has been accomplished. This has been very, clearly manifested in our own day.

Wilford Woodruff


dependent upon God; walk by faith; God delights to bless us (Daniel H. Wells)

Let us do these things, and remain prayerful and humble before the Lord, and see if he will not pour out a blessing greater than we have ever yet enjoyed. But when the blessing comes, there is the danger. Let us remember that we are always dependent on the great God, the giver of all good. Do the world realize this? He will make this people know it, and make them understand that they are, whether he does the world or not.

If the past will not suffice, we shall be chastened until we do understand that we are dependent on Him, and that we have to walk by faith. Can we walk by faith? He is trying some of us, I think. Do you feel afraid that you will not have plenty to eat? I never do. I recollect a circumstance that took place with myself in 1849. I was living in a family of twelve persons, and we were out of provisions. A neighbour, whose family was sick, informed me that he had not anything in the house to eat. I told him to call and I would give him some flour. I went out to get some breadstuff, and when I was out he called. My sister-in-law told him to call again. When I made him that promise, I did not know where the flour was coming from, and there was not half as good a chance as there is now. When he called again, I had the flour for him. In that way we lived, and I felt no uneasiness about where the next meal was coming from. We had to ration ourselves, and had something every time we needed it. If the brethren would feel that way, I think they would save themselves much anxiety.

I think if the people will exercise their faith as well as their works, and use every means in their power, that they will be able to manage pretty well, with the help of their Teachers and Bishops. I am not in the least concerned but what there are provisions among the community sufficient to carry us through, if a proper disposition is made of them, and economy is adhered to by all. I have no uneasiness on this matter, and recommend my brethren to have none.

I would recommend to every individual a proper diligence in providing; and if the brethren who have would open their hearts and distribute in wisdom, it would be a very good thing; and I know that they do in a great measure. Some are apt, at times, to make complaints against those who have a little grain stored away, if the owners do not deal it out to suit their notions. Some will complain of the person who is doing his best to accommodate them. Though there may, sometimes, be cause for complaint, at other times, when the matter is fairly scanned, there is no cause.

I am rejoiced with being able to say that there are not many in our midst who would refuse to divide to the last crumb they have, even if they did not know where the next was coming from. Hence, the people may feel encouraged, (those who are destitute,) because they have assurance of faith that, so long as food is among the community, they will have a part of it. I speak of these things, that the inexperienced may have their faith increased, and that they may feel to rejoice that they are as well situated as they are, amid Saints of the Most High, and that the Lord loves them while showing them that they are dependant upon Him.

He has work for us to do. Do we realize that we are the persons he has called to do it? That we are in his hands, and that he is teaching us from day to day by his Prophets, and servants, and his hand-dealings towards us? If we do not realize this, should we not? Remember that it is our Governor who governs, rules, controls, and directs all matters for the best interests of this people. Then let us be submissive and humble in his hands, like clay in the hands of the potter, and let him mould us to his likeness. If we will do this, the Lord will bless us; and if we appreciate his blessings, he will continue them.

Do you not know that he delights to give good gifts to his children, more than any of us do to our children? Do you not know that the heavens are full of blessings designed for this people? Then why do we not uniformly walk in the paths of righteousness, that we may continue to be the people of the Lord’s choice, to do his work in the last days, and give him the honour and glory? Who can rise up and say, in their own minds, I have done this; this is my work? No—the Lord has done it. And if we are privileged to be his humble instruments, let us be satisfied with that honour. Let us put on the harness and work a work of faith, for the interest of the kingdom of God upon the earth. This is my exhortation.

I know that this Gospel is true, and I feel to bear my testimony that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of the Most High God, that the Book of Mormon is true, and that President Brigham Young is Joseph’s lawful successor; that the organization of this kingdom is the organization owned of the Almighty, even the kingdom of God upon the earth.

That kingdom does exist, and it is our happy privilege to be numbered with the Saints, and to have a part in this matter. Then let us rejoice continually, and do what we can to promote the interests of the cause of Zion, build up cities and temples, do whatever else may be laid before us, and improve upon the blessings the Almighty bestows upon us continually. May we improve our minds and strengthen our understandings, that we may be fully qualified to perform those duties incumbent upon us, from day to day, with ability before our God. Amen.

Daniel H. Wells


the cost (and rewards) of discipleship (Brigham Young)

There is a class of persons that persecution will not drive from the Church of Christ, but prosperity will; and again, there is another class that prosperity will not drive, but persecution will. The Lord must and will have a company of Saints who will follow him to the cross, if it be necessary; and these he will crown. They are the ones who will wear a celestial crown and have dominion, rule, and government. These are they who will receive honour of the Father, with glory, exaltation, and eternal lives. They shall reign over kingdoms, and have power to be Gods, even the sons of God.

Those other classes will take different stations and possess inferior glories, according to their works in the flesh. That class who will altogether serve the world and disregard the cause of truth will become servants to the sons of God and be in servitude throughout eternity.

What shall we do? I say, Cleave to “Mormonism,” work with all our might for the Lord, and love him better than any other earthly or heavenly object. And if he requires us to sacrifice our houses, our horses, our cattle, our wives, and our children, let them remain upon the altar; but let us follow him to salvation and eternal life.

Brigham Young


yielding to the will of God

There is no greater mark of a man’s being in full fellowship with God than to see that man quickly yield to the will of God without a murmur. This is as good a mark of a Saint as can be given.  From the commencement of this work there has been plenty to try men and to put them to the test.

Joseph Young


God is determined to make something of us

Notwithstanding our talk and our short comings, there is a reality in these things, and God is determined, if possible, to make something of us. In order to do this, He has to try us and prove us, to manifest principles unto us, to develop the evils that are within ourselves, and to show us, by placing us in various positions and subjecting us to various trials, what we are,—to show us our weaknesses and follies, in order that we may be made to lean and depend upon him alone. He will try men and prove them, to see if their hearts are pure; for He designs to take a course with us that will bring out the evil; and he will touch them in that part that will develop it, for he knows what part to touch in order to make us develop that which is in us…

The light of the Holy Ghost makes manifest men’s deeds, and the Spirit of God is like a “two-edged sword, dividing the joints and the marrow,” breaking, severing, cutting, piercing, penetrating, developing, and unfolding principles that we are almost entirely ignorant of, until they come to be developed.

When you have seen your ignorance and folly, you are inclined to say, “I thought I was a smart, good, able, intelligent man; but I have found out that I am a fool, and that I can do nothing to establish righteousness upon the earth, except the Lord God helps me to do it.” When the Spirit of the living God was poured out more copiously upon you, it developed principles that were. before latent within you. That Spirit enables you to see yourselves as the Lord sees you.

John Taylor


learning to govern ourselves

It is of the utmost importance to our welfare in the kingdom of the Most High that we commence and learn to govern ourselves; and when this lesson is learned, then we are prepared to govern others. Unless we can govern ourselves, we are unprepared to be governed in the way that the kingdom of God is to be ruled and directed, which is to be upon the principle of common consent. It is not that a majority shall rule, but that the people shall be agreed; and when all the people are agreed as touching any one thing in the kingdom of God, no power can resist it.

The world look upon us as though we were tyrannized over, because they do not know the principles upon which we act. In all our Conferences and Councils, this people should act as a unit, and have done so to a greater extent than any other people that have existed on the earth for a great many centuries. This has astonished even republicans. It is astonishing to many men to think that a people can all be agreed; and I have read professedly learned illustrations of republicanism, which declare that it is attended with great danger for the people all to be united. There is danger of their being united, lest they oppress somebody—that is, themselves…

If every person in a family can learn to be governed, there will be no difficulty in that family. And if every person in a Ward can learn to govern and control themselves, there will be no difficulty in that Ward; for the human mind is so constituted that this principle cannot be learned only by the observance of the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

George A. Smith


we should be submissive in His hands

The Lord so far has fought our battles and has proved his people. When men have been called upon to go out and lie in the path of the enemy, I have not known one instance of a man’s refusing to go. All have been willing to go and do as they were told. The Lord has proved you in this and has accepted your offering. The prayers of the Saints of God have been heard, and they will never fail of being heard and answered, if we do our duty; for we have a ruler who can do something for us, when our cause is just. I feel as brother Taylor said to-day: it matters not to me what the Lord designs of us; we should be passive in His hands.

Wilford Woodruff


we are dependent upon God

We have been told to-day that we are under great obligation to God, and that we ought to acknowledge his hand in all things. That is true. We had no knowledge of the plan of salvation until God revealed it unto us. We are dependent upon God and his servants for light and truth and blessings that are in store for us.

Wilford Woodruff


Got is over His people and controls all things

I feel to rest satisfied that the Almighty will control all those things for the good of this people. The Lord has said it is his business to take care of his Saints. If you are taking care of a child and are rearing it up to manhood, you have to look after its education, correct its morals, regulate its conduct, and inflict punishment when necessary, that the child may realize the difference between good and evil—between doing right and doing wrong. Peradventure the Lord wishes to have a tried people, and he has determined to try the Saints sufficiently, and he will protect them in his own way. The Lord will apply the rod. Sometimes he has scourged the people of Israel in one way, and sometimes in another. Sometimes he has scourged them with pestilence, with wasting, and destruction, and sometimes with famine, or by delivering them into the hands of their enemies; and in all these ways he has scourged his people that they might know and realize that God is over them, and that he controls all things.

George A. Smith
